Are you a massage therapist wanting to increase the number of massage bookings from your studio or home and at the same time have a 100% free business management panel to organize your bookings increasing productivity and income?
Our platform provides customers an easy way to book their massage treatment online for customers searching for “massage near me” in a fast and secure way. You will be able to list your massage services and at the same time, we provide you with a free pro tool where you can manage all your bookings in one place. Yes, you can update the system with walk-in customers and block that specific time slot to make it unavailable to customers wanting to book online with us. Easy for your customers and even easier for you.
We list your massage services and set up everything for you and you only have to monitor your booking management system portal and update your working days/hours as you wish, or block days if you want to take a day off.
We will help you set up your profile and being listed is totally free and the service fee amount will be always paid to you in-store before you provide the service as usual by the customer.
Female and male massage therapists are welcome.
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